The PROVULDIG2-CM programme involves 6 Research Groups from 4 universities located in the Autonomous Region of Madrid.
These investigative groups comprise the PROVULDIG2-CM consortium, which coordinates and carries out a number of research activities on digital vulnerability in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities.
CEICIN Group. Universidad CEU San Pablo.
Rosa María Cabrera Escudero
Pilar Fernández Martínez
Cristina Jaramillo Sánchez
Lidia Jiménez Rodríguez
Laura Monteagudo Barandalla
Luis Núñez Ladeveze
Cristina Rodríguez Luque
María Solano Altaba
Mateu Terrasa Rico
Ainhoa Torres Saéz de Ibarra
Tamara Vázquez Barrio
BRECHAYMAYORES group Universidad CEU San Pablo.
ComR group. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Main researcher: José A. Ruiz San Román
GICOMSOC group. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Main researcher: Antonio García Jiménez
PARTICYPAD group. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
Main researcher: Carmen García Galera
VILLANUEVA-OCS group. Universidad Villanueva.
Main researcher: Carmen Fuente Cobo
Ignacio Blanco Alfonso
General Coordinator PROVULDIG2
Principal Investigator (PI) CEICIN Group
CEU San Pablo University
Faculty of Humanities and Communication Science
Full Professor of Journalism at CEU San Pablo University, which he joined in 2000, accredited by ANECA and ACAP, with three six-year terms recognised by CNEAI. He received his doctorate with a thesis on journalistic genres in the work of José Ortega y Gasset (Extraordinary Doctorate Award, 2003). A specialist in the ideas and work of the Madrid-born philosopher, he was part of the team responsible for editing and researching the Complete Works of Ortega y Gasset. Since 2008: director of the Master’s Degree in Cultural Journalism, as well as the Head of Doxa Comunicación, which is an interdisciplinary journal of communication studies and social science. Currently the director of the Master’s Degree in Digital Verification, Fact-Checking and Data Journalism (CEU & Newtral), and the Principal Investigator of the competitive project known as “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society” (PROVULDIG-2. Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund. He has been a visiting scholar at the University of Genoa (Italy) in 2007, University of the Pacific (Lima, Peru) in 2015, and Cambridge University (UK) in 2017. Life member of Clare Hall College (University of Cambridge), and a member of La Sociedad Española de Periodística (Spanish Society of Journalism [SEP]), and La Asociación de Comunicación Política (Association of Political Communication [ACOP]).
Rosa Cabrera Escudero
Researcher of the CEICIN Group
CEU San Pablo University
Faculty of Humanities and Communication Science
Master’s Degree in Information Systems Management from Polytechnic University of Madrid (UP). Degree in History (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). Technical editor of the journal Doxa Comunicación, which aims to serve as an effective channel for theoretical, conceptual, and cognitive exchanges between researchers in the Social Science and Communication fields. The journal has a strong international focus and aspires to be a proving ground for precision, independent thought, sound judgement, and interdisciplinary dialogue. Doxa Comunicación is a prestigious academic journal with high index rankings (Scopus, ESCI, Recyt Fecyt). She coordinates the publication of articles related to social science and communication and provides assistance for the technological platform that hosts several journals of this same university. Moreover, she also served as coordinator of the previous Provuldig-CM programme (2016-2018) and has extensive experience in administering R&D&i projects. Currently a member of the CEICIN Group of the PROVULDIG-2 programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund, where she is in charge of increasing the quality of the content published, both in Spanish and English, and assisting with the positioning of Doxa Comunicación in order for it to have the highest possible national and international rankings.
Pilar Fernández Martínez
Researcher of the CEICIN Group
CEU San Pablo University
Faculty of Humanities and Communication Science
PhD in Hispanic Linguistics from Complutense University of Madrid and Senior Lecturer of Spanish at CEU San Pablo University. She has served as the academic secretary of the Faculty of Humanities and Communication Science, and has been the director of the departments of Journalism and Philology within the same faculty as well. She has participated in different national and international conferences, as well as in different competitive and pre-competitive R+D+i projects. Her current lines of research focus on Lexicography and the relationship between language and the media, both from a theoretical (normative grammar) and pragmatic point of view. Currently, she is an active member of the CEICIN Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
Cristina Jaramillo Sánchez
Researcher of the CEICIN Group
CEU San Pablo University
Faculty of Humanities and Communication Science
Bachelor’s Degrees in both Political Science and Sociology from Complutense University of Madrid. Collaborating lecturer in Digital Production and Multimedia Project Development in the Faculty of Communication and Humanities at CEU San Pablo University. Lecturer in Digital Writing and coordinator of the journal of the Master’s Degree in Cultural Journalism at CEU San Pablo U. She is also a PhD student oriented toward “Content with a brand presence in Spanish digital media”. Digital content and social media strategy consultant for media, commercial brands, and institutions such as the Ministry of Culture and Sport. Editor-in-chief EL MUNDO’s website for its supplement EL CULTURAL for more than 10 years. Head of digital content for the children’s entertainment magazine, Sapos y Princesas. Currently, she is an active member of the CEICIN Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
Lidia Jiménez Rodríguez
Researcher of the CEICIN Group
CEU San Pablo University
Faculty of Humanities and Communication Science
PhD in North American Literature from Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), with a European mention and a thesis on “Anglo-American Literature after 9/11”. Bachelor’s Degrees in English Studies and Hispanic Philology from the same university as well. Worked as an editor at the newspaper EL PAÍS from 2007 to 2011, and at other national newspapers such as La Razón and ABC, as well as international newspapers such as La Nación de Buenos Aires and La Verdad de Maracaibo. She has a Master’s Degree in Journalism from UAM/EL PAÍS (2007), as well as in American Studies: Culture and Politics (2004) from Harvard University (Cambridge, MA, USA). Current director of the HUB, a media channel of CEU San Pablo University (#uspceuhumycom), as well as the person in charge of the subject entitled Digital Project Development (bilingual programme), in addition to being the academic coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Cultural Journalism and Professor of the Newtral/CEU Master’s Degree. She also collaborates with the cultural magazine Jot Down and Among other books, she has published La angustia existencial en la obra de Saul Bellow (Fundación Universitaria Española). Her main line of research is Narrative Journalism in the age of social media. She is an active member of the CEICIN Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.énez-rodríguez-5a0a6a41/
Laura Monteagudo Barandalla
Laura Monteagudo Barandalla
Researcher: CEICIN Group
CEU San Pablo University
Faculty of Humanities and Communication Sciences
PhD CUM LAUDE in Social Communication from CEU San Pablo University, where she currently teaches in both Spanish and English. Director of the BA Degree in Digital Communication, also at CEU S.P.U. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management with a major in Marketing and Market Research from Complutense University of Madrid, as well as a Master’s Degree in Marketing and Yahoo! Digital Advertising from Antonio de Nebrija University. Professor Monteagudo also holds diplomas in Digital Content Creation, Mobile Learning and Gamification, and the Application of Digital Tools for Teaching Innovation from Acade, in addition to being an expert in Leaders of Learning from HarvardX. Her areas of specialisation include Marketing, Branding, Market Research, and e-commerce, and she is continually involved in digital environments. Previously, she worked for advertising agencies, including Young&Rubicam and Contrapunto, as well as international companies such as L’Oréal, and she was also involved in entrepreneurships with the launch of several start-ups. Professor Monteagudo is fully dedicated to teaching, where she shares her enthusiasm and passion for marketing and communication, as well as its evolution in the current technological era that appears to be headed toward digital marketing, e-commerce and entrepreneurships, in various institutions such as CEU San Pablo University. Moreover, she collaborates with business schools as well.
Currently, she is an active member of the CEICIN Group of the PROVULDIG2-CM programme, “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund. (H2019-HUM5775).
Luis Núñez Ladevéze
Researcher of the CEICIN Group
CEU San Pablo University
Faculty of Humanities and Communication Science
Bachelor’s Degrees in Philosophy and Journalism. PhD in Law. Professor at Complutense University of Madrid. Professor emeritus at CEU San Pablo University, where he directed El Instituto de Estudios de la Democracia (Institute for the Study of Democracy). Advisor to the Coordinating Council of Universities. Founder of Doxa Comunicación, and an advisor to twenty other journals. Founder and honorary president of La Asociación Internacional de investigadores de Comunicación e Infancia (International Association of Communication and Childhood Researchers). He has six 6-year research terms. Six National Plan projects in the last five years. General coordinator of PROCOTIN (Coordinated Project on Television and Childhood, 2008-2011). Researcher in programmes of activities on digital vulnerability R+D+i. Founding director of the CEICIN research group, of which he is also a member. Director of thirty doctoral theses. Among thirty or so books he has published, the following stand out: Crítica del discurso literario (Cuadernos para el Diálogo, 1974); Lenguaje jurídico y ciencia social (Akal, 1977); El lenguaje de los medios (Pirámide 1978); La construcción del texto (Eudema, 1990); Manual para periodismo (Ariel, 1991); Teoría y práctica de la construcción del texto (Ariel 1994); La ficción del pacto social (Tecnos 2000); Identidades humanas (CEPC, 2005); Periodismo en la red (Universitas, 2018); and finally, Redes Líquidas (Síntesis 2020).
Cristina Rodríguez Luque
Researcher of the CEICIN Group
CEU San Pablo University
Faculty of Humanities and Communication Science
Assistant Professor at CEU San Pablo University. Accredited by ANECA in Journalism since November 2016. PhD in Journalism with European mention from CEU University-Cardenal Herrera de Valencia (2009) with a doctoral thesis entitled, “Tratamiento periodístico de las células madre desde la perspectiva del Framing: El País y ABC (1996-2006)”, for which she also received the I Premio Tesis Doctoral Lorenzo Gomis from La Sociedad Española de Periodística (Spanish Society of Journalism) in 2011. She currently teaches Production and Development, as well as subjects related to Radio and Podcasts in various degrees at the Faculty of Humanities and Communication Science. She also teaches the official Master’s Degree in Radio COPE and the Master’s Degree in Cultural Journalism, which she combines with her research work, in addition to serving as head of the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit (UCC+i). She has taken part in several public and private research projects on the journalistic coverage of drug use in Spain and Europe, as well as studies on media coverage of health issues. Visiting researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and at the London School of Economics and Political Science. At present, she is an active member of the CEICIN Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.íguez-luque-7a174724/
María Solano Altaba
Researcher of the CEICIN Group
CEU San Pablo University
Faculty of Humanities and Communication Science
Bachelor’s Degree and PhD in Journalism from CEU San Pablo University, where she currently serves as Dean. She teaches and carries out research work in areas such as rhetoric applied to journalism, epistemology, and the struggle against fake news, which she combines with her professional endeavour in journalism as a regular contributor in different domains. Currently, she is an active member of the CEICIN Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.ía-solano-altaba-4300661a4/
Mateu Terrasa Rico
Researcher of the CEICIN Group
CEU San Pablo University
Faculty of Humanities and Communication Science
Bachelor’s Degree in History and Music Science (USAL). Master’s Degree in Cultural Journalism from CEU San Pablo University. He has been a collaborating professor in the same master’s degree, imparting the Jazz Workshop since 2017. Currently a researcher in training (RT) of the PhD programme in Social Communication (CEU-CEINDO), and holder of a University Teaching Fellowship, or FPU scholarship, for the thesis entitled, “The production of stardom in the digital era – Case study: El mal querer de Rosalía”. At present, he is an active member of the CEICIN Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
Ainhoa Torres Saéz de Ibarra
Researcher of the CEICIN Group
CEU San Pablo University
Faculty of Humanities and Communication Science
PhD in Journalism, Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology, and an expert in social media. She has a Master’s Degrees in Agency Journalism as well as in Corporate Communication and Web 2.0. She is currently serving as Professor of Social Networks at the Faculty of Humanities and Communication Science at CEU San Pablo University. She has experience as a Social Media Strategist (Juegos ONCE, Estrella Galicia and Casa del Libro, among others), as a communications advisor in the Dirección General del Agua, and as a journalist for Agencia EFE (International Department, Gráfica Internacional Section, and the London Delegation), and for El Mundo as well. She is an active member of the CEICIN Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
Tamara Vázquez Barrio
Researcher of the CEICIN Group
CEU San Pablo University
Faculty of Humanities and Communication Science
Associate Professor at CEU San Pablo University, where she teaches the subject of Public Opinion. She is accredited as a Lecturer by ANECA. Her postgraduate education includes the title of University Expert in Design and Statistical Treatment of Market Studies (UNED, 2007), as well as a Master’s Degree in Political Analysis (UOC, 2018). With two six-year research terms recognised by CNEAI, she has continuously participated in competitive projects of the Plan Nacional de I+D+I since 2004. She is also PI of the DoxaCom Research Group and the National Plan project entitled, “De las audiencias televisivas a las redes sociales: convergencia de medios en la sociedad digital” (CSO2016-74980- C2-1-R). Her research focuses on digital communication, digital politics, populism, and information disorders. She is one of the scientific editors of the journal Doxa Comunicación as well as Academic Secretary of the Doctoral Programme in Social Communication at the International Doctoral School (CEINDO). She has more than 40 publications, including academic articles in scientific journals and book chapters for publishing houses such as Tirant Lo Blanch, Routledge, and Peter Lang, among others. Currently, she is an active member of the CEICIN Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
Leopoldo Abad Alcalá
Principal Investigator (PI) BRECHAYMAYORES Group
CEU San Pablo University
Faculty of Humanities and Communication Science
Professor of Constitutional Law at CEU San Pablo University. Author of more than 30 scientific publications on fundamental rights, the regulation of communicative freedom, and the rights of the elderly in the digital society. His main field of research is the convergence of Law and Communication. Principal Investigator (PI) of several R+D+i projects with public and private funding. He has served as a Visiting Professor and Lecturer at European, American, and Latin American universities, and has been recognised by CNEAI for three six-year terms.
He is PI of the BRECHAYMAYORES Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.á-02769529/
Marilé Petrel Jiménez
Researcher of the BRECHAYMAYORES Group
CEU San Pablo University
Faculty of Humanities and Communication Science
PhD in Information Science from CEU San Pablo University. Bachelor’s Degree in Advertising and Public Relations from Complutense University of Madrid. Master’s Degree in Marketing, Communication and Commercial Research from IDE-CESEM. Lecturer in the Department of Audio-visual Communication and Advertising at CEU San Pablo University. Coordinator and Professor of the Official Master’s Degree in Trade Marketing and E-Commerce. She has carried out research and teaching stays at Regent’s University London (UK) as well as at the prestigious F.I.T. (Fashion Institute of Technology, State University of New York). She has worked as Client Services Director in multinational advertising and communication companies (Publicis, Y&R, TAPSA, TBWA, etc.). Her research focuses on the digital realm, social media, AI, consumer behaviour, and branding. Presently an active member of the BRECHAYMAYORES Group of the PROVULDIG2-CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, financed by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund, and of the National Plan project entitled, “The elderly, e-commerce, and e-administration: toward breaking the third digital divide” (CSO2015-66746- R).
María Sánchez Valle
Researcher of the BRECHAYMAYORES Group
CEU San Pablo University
Faculty of Humanities and Communication Science
Senior Lecturer at CEU San Pablo University. Awarded two six-year research terms (2007-2012; 2013-2018). Graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Science from the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca and received her PhD from the same university in 2003. Her scientific research focuses on the study of communication in interactive environments, especially aimed at vulnerable audiences. She has participated in more than ten research projects funded by official agencies and private organisations related to government communication, the effects of Internet advertising, and the analysis of Internet communication aimed at vulnerable audiences, adolescents, and the elderly. She has published articles in the journals Comunicar, PR Review, El profesional de la información, Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, Comunicación y sociedad, Telos, Doxa Comunicación, Icono 14, and Sphera Pública, among others. She is also the author of the following books: Comunicación corporativa: estrategia e innovación, published by Síntesis; and Marketing y Comunicación de moda, lujo y lifestyle, published by CEU Ediciones. Her scientific interests and objectives in the medium term are focused on consolidating research into online communication aimed at vulnerable audiences and, in particular, people over 65 years of age. She is an active member of the BRECHAYMAYORES Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.ía-sánchez-valle-78663218/
José A. Ruiz San Román
Principal Investigator (PI) ComR Group
Complutense University of Madrid
Faculty of Information Science
Senior Lecturer of Sociology and Public Opinion at Complutense University of Madrid. Author of several books, including the following: Introducción a la tradición clásica de la opinión pública (Tecnos, 1997); Sociología de la Comunicación (Trotta, 1999); and Investigar en Comunicación (McGraw Hill, 2005). Visiting Professor at Stanford University (1999) and at the Institute of Communications Research at the University of Illinois (2011). Among other topics, he has worked on the use of information published by public institutions on the Internet, public opinion, virtual sociability, aggressive behaviour, and the challenges of research into childhood and communication. Since June 2017, he has served as Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Information Science at Complutense University of Madrid. Currently, he is Principal Investigator of the ComR Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.é-a-ruiz-s-román-93340410/
Sonia Carcelén García
Researcher of the ComR Group
Complutense University of Madrid
Faculty of Information Science
PhD in Information Science from Complutense University of Madrid (Cum Laude, unanimously awarded). Lecturer and Deputy Director of the Department of Business Organisation and Marketing (OEMARK), also at Complutense University of Madrid. She received the Diploma of Teaching Excellence and a positive evaluation of a six-year term in research activity (2016 call). She is a member of the following research groups: “Gestión de Marcas y procesos de comunicación” (Brand management and communication processes); and “Comunicación responsable y públicos vulnerables” (Responsible communication and vulnerable audiences). She has participated on several research teams, funded within the guidelines of Article 83 of the Organic Law of Universities (LOU), as well as by public and private companies, in which she has carried out studies focused on the field of communication and marketing for organisations and companies such as IECISA, Shiseido, ADT, Consejo General de la Abogacía, and Observatorio de Inmigración, among others). She has also participated as a researcher on R&D projects for the Ministry of Education and the Autonomous Region of Madrid, in addition to directing and participating in several other projects, including “El Proyecto de Innovación Docente” (PIMCD) (Teaching Innovation Project) at UCM. Moreover, she has carried out research stays as a Visiting Professor at the Real Complutense Colegio at Harvard University (Cambridge, Boston, USA), and at the University of Montevideo (Uruguay). Currently, she is an active member of the ComR Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.én-garcía-54708845/
Rafael Carrasco Polaino
Researcher of the ComR Group
Complutense University of Madrid
Faculty of Information Science
Lecturer in the Department of Journalism and New Media at Complutense University of Madrid. He teaches subjects related to Information Technology, and specifically digital media and related tools. He has received training and experience in the field of design and communication at both the professional and academic levels. In the field of research, his work focuses mainly on the study of social media through social network analysis (SNA) and statistics. He has applied these study methodologies to scientific research published in various high-impact journals. His research work, which has focused on the aforementioned methodologies, has been carried out since his research stay at the Media Innovation Lab at the University of Vienna. He has also served as a speaker at numerous national and international conferences and has been the director of nearly a dozen doctoral theses as well. Regarding the subject of doctoral theses, he is the author of Tesis y doctorado en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (Theses and doctorates in the European Higher Education Area), published by Hélice. He has worked as a researcher on different competitive projects at both the regional and national levels, and on teaching innovation projects as well. He is also a member of the board of directors of the journal Cuenta y Razón.
Currently, a member of the ComR Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
Mónica Díaz Bustamante
Researcher of the ComR Group
Complutense University of Madrid
Faculty of Economics and Business Studies
Bachelor’s Degrees in Economics and Business Administration from Complutense University of Madrid and CUNEF. She also received a PhD (Cum Laude) in Economics and Business Administration (Marketing Programme) from Complutense University of Madrid as well. She is a Lecturer at UCM in the Department of Business Organisation and Marketing, Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Management (MBA) at Complutense University of Madrid, and an elected member of the Board of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at the same university. She is also a member of the research groups, “Comunicación Responsable y Públicos Vulnerables”, and “Grupo Complutense de Gestión de Marca y Comunicación Integrada”, both of the Complutense University of Madrid. Moreover, she is part of several research projects within the guidelines of Article 83 of the Organic Law of Universities (LOU), as well as projects of innovation and improvement of teaching quality (PIMCD). Her research interests include the influence of communication on the sexualisation of children, gender inequality, and the self-esteem of individuals. Her research activity in this area is reflected in her participation in various national and international conferences, and in the publication of books and articles by prestigious publishers as well as in academic journals with a high-impact index (JCR, Scopus, ESCI, SPI). She is an active member of the ComR Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
Cristóbal Fernández Muñoz
Researcher of the ComR Group
Complutense University of Madrid
Faculty of Information Science
Lecturer in the Department of Communication Theory and Analysis. Faculty of Information Science, Complutense University of Madrid. Vice-Dean of Students and Communication. PhD in Information Science, Master’s Degree in Institutional Communication from UCM, and a Master’s Degree in Strategic Communication Management from ESADE. He specialises in Digital Communication, where he has numerous publications in scientific journals. He has one six-year research term and more than 20 years of professional experience, including having served as Accounting Director in communication consultancy firms such as Llorente y Cuenca and Burson-Marsteller, and he has also held the post of communication director of online companies such as Tuenti (Telefónica group) and Currently, an active member of the ComR Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
Javier Fernández del Moral
Researcher of the ComR Group
Complutense University of Madrid
Faculty of Information Science
Professor of Specialised Journalism at Complutense University of Madrid since March of 1983. Dean of the Faculty of Information Science from 1990 to 1998 at the same university as well. PhD in Chemical Science and a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Science from Complutense University of Madrid. He has worked as the Director of News Services for three Ministries in the first democratic governments of Spain. Science journalist for several national media, both text and audio-visual. Founder and member of the Spanish Television Academy. Founding member and President from 1992 to 2000 of the Asociación de Directivos de Comunicación (ADC-DIRCOM). Has served as President of the Fundación Diálogos since 2009, and also as Vice President of IC-Media, which works in the area of media quality. Member of numerous editorial boards of scientific journals. Principal Investigator on 16 research projects. Author of six books in his area of expertise, twenty book chapters, and more than 50 published articles. He has been on the panel of judges for more than twenty journalism and communication award ceremonies, including el Premio Príncipe de Asturias de Humanidades y Comunicación (the Prince of Asturias Award for Humanities and Communication). At the present time, he is a member of the ComR Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
María Gálmes Cerezo
Researcher of the ComR Group
Complutense University of Madrid
Faculty of Economics and Business Studies
School of Commerce and Tourism
PhD in Communication Science from the University of Malaga. Accredited as a Lecturer by ANECA (Spanish National Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation). Lecturer at various universities and business schools (ESIC, EAE, and Centro Universitario Villanueva). She has also served as Academic Director of Marketing at the International University of La Rioja, as well as Director of the Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, and the Master’s Degrees in Neuro and Digital Marketing. As a researcher with a six-year term recognised by CNEAI, she has publications in scientific journals and at international conferences, and is a member of the Aenor Committee entitled “Online reputation” (CTN 177). Currently, Assistant Professor in the Marketing Department at Complutense University of Madrid. At present, she is a member of the ComR Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund. Served as a visiting scholar at the Escuela politécnica del Litoral (Ecuador) in 2015. Her main lines of research are Integrated Marketing Communications, Experiential Marketing, and Responsible Communication for Betting Operators.
María José Narros González
Researcher of the ComR Group
Complutense University of Madrid
PhD in Economics and Business Administration from Complutense University of Madrid, and a Master’s Degree in Marketing. She has carried out multiple teaching, research, and management activities in various faculties at the same university as well. She held the post of Deputy Director at the University School of Statistics at Complutense University of Madrid from 1996-2010. Currently, she is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Business Organisation and Marketing in the Faculty of Commerce and Tourism at the same university.
The development of her investigative activity has focused on different lines of research. One that stands out is her participation as a member of the research and analysis team of studies related to Labour Market Insertion of UCM graduates, Faculty of Statistical Studies of Madrid.
Member of the UCM research group “Comunicación Responsable y Grupos Vulnerables”. In this field, she has participated in research related to studying the influence of commercial communication on the sexualisation of children in the media, and on the social perception of the risk of online gambling for minors and young people. She has directed several postgraduate courses and is currently the director of the Master’s Degree in Social Data Science Marketing in the School of Government at UCM. Finally, she is an active member of the ComR Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
Miguel Ángel Ortiz Sobrino
Researcher of the ComR Group
Complutense University of Madrid
Faculty of Information Science
Senior Lecturer in the Department of Journalism and New Media at Complutense University of Madrid. PhD in Information Science from UCM as well, in addition to a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and another BA in Science of Visual and Auditory Image. He holds a Diploma in Media Research from A.I.M.C. and has had associations with RTVE since 1977, where he has held several positions, including Programme Director at Radio 5, Deputy Director of Territorial Radio Stations at RNE, and Deputy Director of Programming at RNE., among others. Between 2000 and 2009, he worked as Director of the Instituto Oficial de Radio y Televisión. He has also been Deputy Director of Radio Televisión Madrid and Programme Director at Onda Madrid. He teaches the subjects of Radio and Television Information and is currently professor in the Inter-University Doctorate Programme in Communication: A Commitment to Excellence in Third Cycle Studies, at the Universities of Cadiz, Huelva, Malaga, and Seville. He is an active member of the ComR Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
Mónica Viñarás Abad
Associate Researcher
PhD and Extraordinary Doctorate Award from Complutense University of Madrid in the Faculty of Information Science. Bachelor’s degree in Advertising and Public Relations. Specialist in corporate social responsibility, public relations, communication in cultural institutions, and communication with vulnerable audiences. Accredited as a Senior Lecturer by ANECA, she has one six-year research term recognised by CNEAI. Assistant Professor at the Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes. She previously taught at CEU San Pablo University, where she also served as Director of the Advertising and Public Relations Degree and coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Public Relations and Events. She has more than one hundred scientific publications and communications at conferences and has been part of several R+D+i projects as well.
Antonio García Jiménez
Principal Investigator (PI) GICOMSOC Group
Rey Juan Carlos University
Faculty of Communication Science
PhD in Information Science from Complutense University of Madrid (1996). Professor of Journalism at Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid. Has served as Dean of the Faculty of Communication Science at the latter institution as well (2018-2014). His career in science is related to technology and its use within the field of Communication and Documentation, with special emphasis on minors and young people on the Internet. He has made a large number of contributions in the form of articles, books, and book chapters at both the national and international level, and has led and participated in a large number of research projects and related contracts as well. Currently, he is an active member of the GICOMSOC Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
Beatriz Catalina García
Researcher of the GICOMSOC Group
Rey Juan Carlos University
Faculty of Communication Science
PhD in Communication Science from Rey Juan Carlos University (2011). She also has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism from Complutense University of Madrid (1989), and a second B.A. in Political Science from UNED (2014). Visiting Professor at Rey Juan Carlos University. She is currently participating in the National R&D&i Project entitled, “Social networks, adolescents and young people: media convergence and digital culture”, funded by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (2017-2020), and is also engaged in the regional project entitled, “Programme of Activities on Digital Vulnerability” (2016-2018). Her published works are related to the digital public sphere and uses of the Internet. She is an active member of the GICOMSOC Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.ía-7aa424aa/
Miguel Ángel López Sáez
Researcher of the GICOMSOC Group
Rey Juan Carlos University
PhD in Psychology from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Currently a researcher and lecturer in the Department of Psychology (Social Psychology Area) at Rey Juan Carlos University. He has carried out stays that were focused on gender and social movements at the following universities: Freie Universität, Simon Fraser University, and Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. His professional career has been dedicated to the areas of childhood and adolescence, social intervention related to gender, attention to affective-sexual diversity, as well as sexual and gender-based violence. In recent years, he has coordinated research projects related to feminism, trans* children, and reflections on masculinity. He is involved in networks of activists who denounce sexual and gender harassment. He also participates in various research groups related to public health policy and feminist epistemology. At the present time, he is an active member of the GICOMSOC Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
Maria Cruz López de Ayala
Researcher of the GICOMSOC Group
Rey Juan Carlos University
Faculty of Communication Science
Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology (Complutense University of Madrid). PhD in Communication Science (URJC). Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Communication Science (URJC). She has also served as a Visiting Professor at the University of Nova de Lisboa and the London School of Economics. Her lines of research include the following: media, minors, and the family; social networks and young people; and corporate and internal communication. She has participated in numerous research projects (within the guidelines of Article 83), as well as competitive projects including R+D+I, and in national and international conferences and meetings as well. Author of the book entitled, La familia digital, she has also published book chapters and articles in national and international journals. Nowadays, she is an active member of the GICOMSOC Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
Esther Martínez Pastor
Researcher of the GICOMSOC Group
Rey Juan Carlos University
Faculty of Communication Science
PhD in Advertising and Public Relations from Complutense University of Madrid. Bachelor’s Degree in Advertising and Public Relations (UCM), and another B.A. in Law from UNED. She is currently a Senior Lecturer of Advertising in the Faculty of Communication Science at Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid. Her lines of research focus on advertising regulations, advertising aimed at minors, and transparency. She has participated in numerous research projects and has recently worked as the leader of the project entitled, “Familias y niños: El negocio de los canales de YouTube”, funded by the BBVA Foundation through its Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators, 2018. Currently, she is an active member of the GICOMSOC Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
Manuel Montes Vozmediano
Researcher of the GICOMSOC Group
Rey Juan Carlos University
Faculty of Communication Science
Bachelor’s Degree in Information Science (UCM). PhD in Communication Science (URJC). University lecturer since 2002, author of books and scientific articles in JCR and SCOPUS. He has three teaching terms and one six-year research term. As a member of the research group on Communication, Society and Culture (GICOMSOC), he has participated in several national R+D+i research projects. His investigations focus on the study of social phenomena arising from the new communication habits of adolescents and young people, as well as the analysis of visual messages (journalistic and advertising). At present, he is an active member of the GICOMSOC Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
Yolanda Pastor Ruiz
Researcher of the GICOMSOC Group
Rey Juan Carlos University
Faculty of Health Science
PhD in Psychology from Universitat de València in 1999. Senior Lecturer in the Department of Social Psychology at Rey Juan Carlos University since 2009. Her main line of research has been the study of the psychosocial factors involved in adolescent and youth development, especially those related to preventive behaviour and/or health risk. Currently, her main lines of research are focused on violence related to dating and Internet use by this same age group of adolescents and young people. At present, she is an active member of the GICOMSOC Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
Vanesa Pérez Torres
Researcher of the GICOMSOC Group
Rey Juan Carlos University
PhD in Psychology. Lecturer at Rey Juan Carlos University. Professor and researcher in the area of social psychology. Reviewer for the journals Comunicar and Innovar (UNAL). Member of the Editorial Committee of the journal Summa Psicológica UST. She is also a member of INFAD (International Association of the Psychology of Childhood, Adolescence, Seniors, and Disability), and ACIPE (Scientific Association of Psychology and Education). Currently, she is an active member of the GICOMSOC Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
Rebeca Suarez Álvarez
Researcher of the GICOMSOC Group
Rey Juan Carlos University
Faculty of Communication Science
Lecturer in the Department of Communication Science and Sociology at Rey Juan Carlos University. PhD in Social Communication from CEU San Pablo University. Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism from Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). She also holds two Master’s Degrees: one in Radio from CEU San Pablo University, and another in Communication of Public and Political Institutions from UCM. Her main lines of research focus on the investigation of minors and adolescents in the digital ecosystem, as well as their consumption, literacy and digital competence. She has participated in diverse research projects. At the present time, she is a member of the GICOMSOC Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
Helena Thomas Currás
Researcher: GICOMSOC Group
Rey Juan Carlos University
Faculty of Communication Science
PhD in Social Psychology from Rey Juan Carlos University, as well as a certified general psychologist. Professor in the Department of Psychology (Social Psychology Area) and a researcher at Rey Juan Carlos University. She imparts classes in the Master’s Degree in Teacher Training Programme, and is co-director of the Master’s Degree in General Psychology as well. She has tutored more than 30 bachelor’s degree final projects, in addition to 20 final projects of master’s degrees. Her lines of research involve the prevention of gender violence in adolescence as well as the effects of social networks on childhood and adolescence. She has participated in several research projects on non-formal education. Currently, she is an active member of the GICOMSOC Group, PROVULDIG2-CM programme, “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund. (H2019-HUM5775).
Ricardo Vizcaíno Pérez
Researcher of the GICOMSOC Group
Rey Juan Carlos University
Faculty of Communication Science
PhD in Information Science (UCM, 2003). Bachelor’s Degrees in the following: Information Science; Education; and the History and Science of Music. His lines of research revolve around the concepts of communicative-technological effectiveness applied to different environments (disability, political communication, education, and public spaces). His current line of study is minors and young people on the Internet (regulations, health, and addiction).
Some of his publications include the following: Una aproximación a los niños Youtubers tailandeses (2020) (An Approach to Thai Youtuber Kids); “Just Within the Limits of the Law: Minors from Consumers of Advertising to Creators of Advertising in Spain (2019)”; and Participación y compromiso de los jóvenes en el entorno digital (2019) (Youth Participation and Engagement in the Digital Environment). At present, he is an active member of the GICOMSOC Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.íno-14771293/
Carmen García Galera
Principal Investigator (PI) PARTICYPAD Group
Rey Juan Carlos University
Faculty of Communication Science
Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Communication Science at Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid. She teaches Audience Research and Strategic Planning in Public Relations. Her main lines of research focus on the following: media effects on the audience; use and responsibility of social media; participation, mobilisation, and employability of young people in the digital environment; and media literacy. Several papers have been published as a result of her work, both in scientific journals indexed in JCR, and in the form of book chapters widely distributed in her area of study. She is the Principal Investigator of the competitive project entitled PARTICYPAD Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society” funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.ía-galera-3b24987/
Mercedes del Hoyo Hurtado
Researcher of the PARTICYPAD Group
Rey Juan Carlos University
Senior Lecturer in Journalism in the Department of Communication and Sociology at Rey Juan Carlos University. PhD in Information Science from the University of the Basque Country, where she studied Journalism, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Letters from the University of Deusto. Currently teaches undergraduate and master’s degree courses related to news processing, writing, and journalistic genres at the Faculty of Communication Science. She previously taught at the University of the Basque Country and at Carlos III University of Madrid. In recent years, her research has focused on changes to the press brought about by the Internet along with the subsequent digitisation of newsrooms and the emergence of social networks. Her publications include the following: Jóvenes comprometidos en la Red –el papel de las redes sociales en la participación social activa; Redes sociales, un medio para la movilización juvenil; Volumen de información, géneros y secciones, en los diarios gratuitos en España; Desarrollo y características formales y de contenido; and the most recent, Desinformación e intención comunicativa –una propuesta de clasificación de fake news producidas en entornos periodísticos profesionales, the latter of which appeared in Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación. Nowadays, she is a member of the PARTICYPAD Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
Jesús del Olmo Barbero
Researcher of the PARTICYPAD Group
Rey Juan Carlos University
Professor in the Faculty of Communication Science at Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid. He has taught in the areas of Journalism, Audio-visual Communication in Image Design and Management, and in the subjects of Journalistic Information Design, the Design of Audio-visual Information, and Editorial Design. His main lines of research are the use of social networks and digital literacy. He has recently participated in the publication of the following books: Social Network Analytics (2019); La educación mediática en España (2018); and Si lo vives, lo compartes –Cómo se comunican los jóvenes en un mundo digital (2016). Before joining URJC, he worked in media organisations such as Prisa Revistas (Progresa), the periodical known as Tiempo, the newspaper El Independiente, and the magazines Vino y Gastronomía and Actualidad Económica, among others. Previously, he had been the academic secretary of the Faculty of Communication, coordinator of the Journalism Degree, teaching agent for academic exchanges (Erasmus and Munde), and coordinator of the university journal entitled Aula Sur. Currently, he is an active member of the PARTICYPAD Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
Manuel Martínez Nicolás
Researcher of the PARTICYPAD Group
Rey Juan Carlos University
PhD in Information Science from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1994). He was a lecturer at the same university (UAB) from 1990-1996, at Santiago de Compostela University from 1996-2003, and since 2003, he has given lectures at Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC). Member of the Advanced Communication Studies Group (, and since 2011 he has been a lecturer for the Master’s Degree in Applied Research in Communication, also at URJC. Member of the Panel of Experts of the ACADEMIA programme of ANECA between 2014 and 2016. In 2016 and 2017, he was responsible for the evaluation and monitoring of projects in the field of Communication (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness). Between 2018 and 2020, member of the Social Science Panel of the State Research Agency (AEI), and coordinator of the Communication Sub-area as well (2020). For 25 years, he was PI of the research project on Communication in Spain (1990-2015), funded by the State R&D&i Plan (2014-2018), and currently of the project Empleabilidad y emprendimiento en Comunicación (Employability and entrepreneurship in Communication) (2020-2023). In the last 10 years, he has published around twenty papers in indexed scientific journals, ten chapters in collective works, and approximately 50 papers in specialised conferences (IAMCR, ECREA, etc.). At present, he is an active member of the PARTICYPAD Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
Carmen Fuente Cobo
Principal Investigator (PI) VILLANUEVA Group
Villanueva International University
Senior Lecturer accredited by ANECA with two six-year research terms, she currently gives lectures in the Department of Communication at Villanueva University, and has more than 60 publications. After completing her PhD, she was a research fellow at The European Institute for the Media (Manchester/Dusseldorf) and a visiting scholar at California State University. She received a grant from the British Council (Fleming Award), the Fundación del Amo, and from the Programa de Formación de Profesorado Universitario (FPU). Principal Researcher of the Villanueva OCS Group (Observatorio Comunicación y Sociedad), initially based at Complutense University of Madrid and currently housed at Villanueva University. Co-founder of the International Association for Research on Children, Youth and Communication (Kids&Com). She also has extensive professional experience in companies in the field of communication and telecommunications, such as ONO (now Vodafone), where she was Director of Content, and Grupo Planeta, in whose subsidiary (Planeta 2010) she was Director of thematic channels. Graduate of IESE’s General Management Programme (PDG). Has also worked as a journalist for Europa Press Agency and the Punto Editorial group (currently Recoletos), and has served as a freelance consultant as well. Currently, she is an active member of the VILLANUEVA Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
José Antonio Irisarri
Researcher of the VILLANUEVA Group
Villanueva International University
Lecturer accredited by ANECA, PhD in Communication from CEU San Pablo University, Master’s Degree in Economics and Business Administration (MBA) from IESE-University of Navarra, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Law (UCM). Coordinator of the Degree in Advertising and Public Relations at Villanueva University. Lecturer of four subjects. His areas of research focus on Social Responsibility of the Media and media attention toward vulnerable audiences. In addition, he carries out research on issues related to commercial communication and marketing. He has published articles in scientific journals along with several books as well. Professionally, he has always been linked to the world of communication and marketing. Currently the CEO of Savia, a member of Onza Partners, and an advisor to Onza Comunicación as well. Previously Director of Organisation and Development at Globomedia (Grupo Árbol), as well as Marketing Director at the former Continente. Member of the Fundación Compromiso y Transparencia and member of the advisory board of He is an active member of the VILLANUEVA Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
Begoña Ladrón de Guevara Pascual
Researcher of the VILLANUEVA Group
Villanueva International University
PhD in Education, Bachelor’s Degree in Art History, Master’s Degree in School Management, and another Master’s in Professional Coaching. At Villanueva University, she works as a Lecturer on the Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education, as well as on the BA in Primary Education in the subjects of Didactics of Social Science in Early Childhood Education, Foundations and Didactics of History, Foundations and Didactics of Art History, and Practicum III in Early Childhood and Primary Education. At the same university, she has also served as the Assistant Director of Students and is currently Coordinator of the Counselling Programme, Course Coordinator, and University Counsellor. She is also the professor of Sociedad, Familia y Educación (Society, Family and Education) in the Master’s Degree in Teacher Training at the International University of Valencia. Moreover, she has taught at various other institutions, including Rey Juan Carlos University, Universidad Tuiuti de Curitiba (Brazil), and at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), where she carried out a research stay in 2016-2017. President of the Confederation of Parent Associations COFAPA and a member of the State School Council, designated as a Personality of Recognised Prestige. She has participated in international conferences and has written numerous scientific and educational publications. She is curretnly an active member of the VILLANUEVA Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society””, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.ña-ladrón-de-guevara-pascual-0b471745/
Patricia Lafuente Pérez
Researcher of the VILLANUEVA Group
Villanueva International University
Lecturer accredited by ANECA. PhD in Communication from the University of Navarra and a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism from the same University. She also holds a Master’s Degree in International Migration from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas. Currently teaches in the three Bachelor’s Degree Programmes in Communication at Villanueva University, in subjects related to sociology, public opinion, and political communication. She has also taught at Villanueva University Centre (UCM), UNIR, the University of Navarra, and San Jorge University, both in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Her research has focused primarily on public opinion and information technology, the ways in which citizens participate in contemporary democracies, and the role of the media. She has published articles in indexed academic journals such as Icono 14 and Ámbitos, and has also been the author and co-author of books and chapters for prestigious publishing houses such as Tecnos, Fragua, Eunsa and Tirant lo Blanch. Member of the research group, “Comunicación, periodismo, política y ciudadanía” (Communication, journalism, politics, and citizenship), which was recognised by the Government of Aragon as a consolidated investigative group in 2014. She has also participated in various research projects, as well as in professional and academic associations such as ACOP and SEP.
Sofía López Hernández
Researcher of the VILLANUEVA Group
Villanueva International University
Bachelor’s Degree in Information Science from the University of Navarra. PhD from Complutense University of Madrid with the thesis, Las composiciones cinematográficas de Augusto Algueró: análisis musical y estilo compositivo (Augusto Algueró’s film compositions: musical analysis and compositional style). Has served as deputy editor of the monthly film review magazine, Fila Siete, and of the website, for which she is currently a film critic. She is also a regular participant in film festivals, including Malaga and San Sebastian, as well as film festivals such as the so-called Recent Spanish Cinema in Los Angeles. She has written several articles related to Spanish Cinema and Film Music, fields in which she is a specialist. She is currently Coordinator of the Audio-visual Communication Degree at Villanueva University, where she teaches the History of Spanish Cinema and Musical Aesthetics, and she directs the Villanueva Showing Festival as well. At present, she is an active member of the VILLANUEVA Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
Miguel Ángel Martín Cárdaba
Researcher of the VILLANUEVA Group
Villanueva International University
European PhD in Communication from Complutense University of Madrid, and accredited as a Senior Lecturer by ANECA (National Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation). He also holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy from the University of Navarra, where he won 3rd Prize in the National Awards for Degree Final Projects. He holds a Diploma in Sociology from UNED as well. Has served as a researcher and visiting professor at the London School of Economics (Interdisciplinary Institute of Management), and is the author of several articles in national and international journals, such as the European Journal of Communication Research, Communication & Society, Evaluation Review, Aggressive Behaviour, and the Journal of Applied Social Psychology. His research focuses on the social psychology of communication. Specifically, his endeavours are oriented toward the study of all communication that has a persuasive purpose (campaigns related to advertising, politics, social communication, etc.), as well as their underlying psychological processes. He is currently an active member of the VILLANUEVA Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
María Luisa Sarget Tarifa
Researcher of the VILLANUEVA Group
Villanueva International University
Bachelor’s Degree in Advertising and Public Relations from Villanueva University. PhD in Information Science from Complutense University of Madrid. She began her professional career as a media planner and later devoted herself fully to teaching and carrying out research. Has held management positions such as coordinating and directing Degrees in Advertising and Public Relations. In recent years, she has combined her university work with event organisation and the development of an e-learning platform. In both cases, these approaches these fields from an academic point of view. Currently working in the Department of Quality and Evaluation at Villanueva University, and as a lecturer in Advertising Theory as well. Her fields of research include communication and advertising, social media, persuasion and influence, and event organisation.
Miguel Ángel Sánchez de la Nieta
Researcher of the VILLANUEVA Group
Villanueva International University
PhD in Journalism from the Faculty of Information Science at Complutense University of Madrid. Before starting to teach at the University, he worked in media communications for the Recoletos Group, as well as for the specialised magazine called Mercados de Riesgo. Lecturer at Villanueva University since 2001, where he has taught various subjects in the Journalism and Advertising Degrees. Author of the book, “El Renacimiento del Periodismo” (Eunsa, 2015), as well as a considerable number of articles on journalistic professionalism that have appeared in specialised journals. In addition to this line of research, he has published articles related to the effects that information content transmitted by the media has on shaping public opinion. He has also carried out research and published studies on the role of social media in the work routines of journalists. He is an active member of the VILLANUEVA Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.ánchez-de-la-nieta-31817218/
Santiago Sastre Llorente
Investigador Grupo VILLANUEVA
Researcher of the VILLANUEVA Group
Villanueva International University
PhD in Education and a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychopedagogy from Complutense University of Madrid. He also has a B.A. in Education from the University of Wales, and a Diploma in Teaching Primary Education (specialisation in Philology) from Complutense University of Madrid. In the professional realm, he has extensive experience in teaching, tutoring, and management work in primary and secondary education, which he combines with activity related to psycho-pedagogy and research work in the field of school counselling. At present, he is a lecturer and coordinator of the Degrees of Early Childhood and Primary Education Teaching at Villanueva University (Madrid). His lines of research include, among others, the development and adaptation of instruments for the evaluation of attitudes and interest toward reading in childhood and adolescence, as well as for the measurement of some components of emotional intelligence through the use of skill or performance tests based on the viewing of film scenes. All of this research work is reflected in his participation in communications at national and international conferences, as well as in the publication of various articles in scientific journals. At present, he is an active member of the VILLANUEVA Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
Alicia Trelles Villanueva
Researcher of the VILLANUEVA Group
Villanueva International University
Bachelor’s Degree in Information Science (Journalism branch) from Complutense University of Madrid. At the same university, she obtained her PhD with the thesis, “La relación entre la Televisión e Internet en las series de ficción españolas emitidas en prime-time” (The relationship between television and the Internet in Spanish fictional series broadcast in prime-time). Since 2005, she has taught Communication Theory and Pragmatics, as well as Discourse in Journalism, at Villanueva University. She is currently conducting research on the use of social networks by both journalists and the media, transmedia content, and children’s relationship with the new media and new forms of communication. At present, she is an active member of the VILLANUEVA Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
Ernesto Villar Cirujano
Researcher of the VILLANUEVA Group
Villanueva International University
Lecturer accredited by ANECA. Director of the Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism at Villanueva University, where he teaches five subjects. Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism from Complutense University of Madrid, a Master’s Degree in Contemporary History from Autonomous University of Madrid, and a Doctor Cum Laude in Journalism from Complutense University of Madrid. He has more than ten academic publications on Journalism and History in scientific journals, including Comunicar (JCR Q1), El profesional de la información (JCR Q1), Icono 14 (JSM Q2), and Memoria y Civilización (SJR Q2). Author of two books and co-author of a third. Papers presented at national and international conferences, including the XX International Oral History Association Conference in Finland. Member of the publicly-funded research Project, “Lealtades sinceras o forzadas: condicionantes ideológicos, profesionales, geográficos o familiares en el posicionamiento de las fuerzas de orden público y de seguridad ante la Guerra Civil (1936-1939)”. He has 30 years of professional experience working in media communication companies, such as La Razón and Europa Press. He is an active member of the VILLANUEVA Group, PROVULDIG2–CM programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund.