The PROVULDIG-2 consortium involves the collaboration of the following researchers from other Spanish universities and research centres:

Oliver Carrero Márquez

Oliver Carrero Márquez

Associate Researcher

Complutense University of Madrid

Full-time Professor at ESIC University (2004 – present). He assumed management of the Academic Department of Communication and Advertising in 2017. Accredited by PHEA Higher Education Academy (Advance HE, 2020), he has been working in the field of Multimedia Communication and Interactive Advertising for more than a decade. Webmaster of the e-learning portal and the YouTube channel of the same name. Received his doctorate with a thesis on the transmission of values in the programme on paranormal topics, “Cuarto Milenio”. A specialist in new technologies applied to communication, his main lines of research focus on Communication, Ethics in Advertising, new technologies applied to communication, digital marketing, and teaching innovation. Since 2010, he has been a lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Communication Management and New Technologies, as well as on the Master’s in Business Management (2019) at URJC.

Elena de Miguel Aparicio

Elena de Miguel Aparicio

Associate Researcher

 Professor of Spanish at UAM since 2008. PhD in Hispanic Philology with an Extraordinary Doctorate Award (1990). She has been awarded five 6-year research terms and six 5-year  teaching terms. Her research focuses on the relationship between lexis and syntax, especially on the lexical aspect and the sub-lexical information responsible for the polysemy of words in context. She directed six research projects from 2006 to 2015 -cf. DICEMTO: FFI2012-33807, MINECO, at Currently part of the project teams designated as DIRETES (ref.: FFI2017-83293; 2018-2020), and POSE (ref.: PID2019-111198GB-I00; 2020-2022). Some of her publications include the following: El aspecto en la sintaxis del español: perfectividad e impersonalidad (UAM, 1992); El aspecto léxico, within La Gramática Descriptiva de la Lengua Española (Espasa-Calpe, 1999); and Lexicología, in the Enciclopedia de Lingüística Hispánica (Routledge, 2016). She has coordinated several collective volumes, including Panorama de la lexicología (Ariel, 2009), which includes her chapter on Pustejovsky’s Teoría del Lexicón Generativo. She has coordinated the research group UPSTAIRS (HUM F-047, UAM, 2006-2018), and is currently a member of the investigative group DILE (PI: Alberto Anula, UAM), and another group designated as TransPoliLex (PI: Esther Vázquez y del Árbol, UAM). Moreover, she has directed seven doctoral theses, all of which received cum laude honours, and three of which were lauded with special awards.

Myriam Durán Vilches

Myriam Durán Vilches

Associate Researcher

With a passion for social research, this investigator has focused her professional interest in recent years on the study of Digital Communities, and on the possibilities offered by the digital environment for listening to the social individual, which have culminated in a doctoral thesis entitled, “The Digital Community: theory and practice of a qualitative methodology for social research”. Her career has been highlighted by a special interest in qualitative analysis, which she has carried out in multinational organisations as well as in research institutes, where she has accumulated more than 25 years of experience. In this field, she has covered a multitude of studies focused on the capability of brands and institutions to develop concepts and create emotional universes that connect with individuals. All of her studies have been imbued with a prominent social aspect that places the individual in association with his or her environment and personal circumstances. For more than 15 years, she has been developing her activity in the field of online research, in which she has been a pioneer. She also has an extensive academic and teaching career, having imparted classes in various public institutions and universities.

Luis Manuel Fernández Martínez

Luis Manuel Fernández Martínez

Associate Researcher

Assistant Professor with a PhD in Social Communication from CEU San Pablo University, accredited by ANECA. Master’s Degree in Documentary and Transmedia Journalistic Reporting from Carlos III University of Madrid, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Audio-visual Communication from CEU San Pablo U. His doctoral thesis focused on the phenomenon of the social audience in the  context of a television format. He has worked as a researcher and assistant professor at CEU San Pablo University in the role of University Professor in Training (FPU) of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. His line of research focuses on media and digital culture from various perspectives, more specifically, transmedia storytelling, social media, and the phenomenon of social audiences. His experience as a researcher has been consummated by projects carried out through cooperative efforts between validated research groups, in which he has taken part, such as PROVULDIG I (digital vulnerability), CONVERED (media convergence), DIGICREA (creative culture industry), and AUCTORITAS (digital empowerment). Through these projects, he has been able to broaden his knowledge as a lecturer and researcher. This experience has been complemented by a research stay at TEC de Monterrey in Mexico. Currently working as a lecturer and researcher at the Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA (Faculty of Social Science and Humanities), and at the Universidad Internacional de la Rioja,  UNIR (Faculty of Business and Communication, and Faculty of Engineering – Design Area).

José Alberto García Avilés

José Alberto García Avilés

Associate Researcher

Professor of Journalism at Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH). Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Arts from the University of Ireland. BA Degree in Journalism, and a PhD in Communication from the University of Navarra. He has been a visiting scholar at Columbia University (New York), and a visiting professor at the University of Sheffield (UK). Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Innovation in Journalism at UMH. Co-founder of InnovaMedia.Net, a network of researchers who carry out studies on innovation in journalism. His lines of research focus on innovation in journalism, the quality of news content, and user participation. He is the author of more than a hundred scientific articles on communication and journalism. Published works include Comunicar en la Sociedad Red. Teorías, modelos y prácticas (2015), and La crisis del informativo televisivo –cómo innovar en los formatos audiovisuales (2019). He leads El Grupo de Investigación sobre la Comunicación (the Communication Research Group) (GICOV) of UMH, and edits the blog on Innovation in Journalism as well.

Juan Enrique Gonzálvez Vallés

Juan Enrique Gonzálvez Vallés

Associate Researcher

PhD in Information Sciences from Complutense University of Madrid, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism. He currently belongs to the Department of Theory and Analysis of Communication at Complutense University of Madrid, where he teaches Psychology of Communication, Research Methods in Advertising and Public Relations, and the Hypermedia Narrative. Previously a member of  CEU San Pablo University for five years, and he continues to be a member of its faculty at the International Doctoral School. Member of the Concilium Research Group, as well as the Spanish Society of Ibero-American Communication Studies, and Forum XXI, where he is editor of the Journal of Communication and Information Sciences and associate editor of the journals Vivat Academia and Revista de la SEECI. He was also director of the University Congress known as the Congreso Universitario Internacional sobre la Comunicación: Contenidos, Investigación, Innovación y Docencia, and is currently a member of its Organising and Scientific Committees. Professionally, he has worked for several media companies and coordinated the BBVA Sponsorship and Communication project entitled, ‘Yo Subo con Carlos Soria’. He also held the position of Social Media Manager at CEU San Pablo University and Community Manager of the Faculty of Humanities and Communication Science at CEU San Pablo as well.

Carmen Llorente Barroso

Carmen Llorente Barroso

Associate Researcher

PhD in Advertising and Audio-visual Communication from Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), and an Extraordinary Doctorate Award in 2009-2010. Some of her main contributions are linked to Rhetoric Applied to Corporate Communication and Creative Advertising. Moreover, she has spent part of her career as a researcher for OTRI UCM-ZenithOptimedia (Publicis Groupe). Other research interests have focused on the new technologies and the opportunities they offer to  vulnerable audiences, especially seniors and people with disabilities, as they address the communication needs of today’s societies. Along these lines, she has participated both past and present in several competitive projects, some of which include PROVULDIG-CAM (HUM2015/HUM-3434), PROVULDIG2-CM (H2019/HUM-5775), “Seniors, E-commerce, and E-administration” (CSO2015-66746-R), and COMPENSA (PID2019-105398RB-C21). The results of her research have been disseminated through national and international conferences (ECREA, AIMCR, AE-IC, etc.), book chapters with SPI publishers, and articles in the journals WoS (JCR) and Scopus (SJR) journals. Her research career has included a six-year term (2009-2014) recognised by  CNEAI. She is currently working on both the Professorial and Research staff at Complutense University of Madrid. Accredited by ANECA as a Senior Lecturer, in 2016 she carried out a research stay at Haas School of Business (UC, Berkeley), funded by the José Castillejo Grant for Young Doctorate Students.

Carmen Llovet Rodríguez

Carmen Llovet Rodríguez

Associate Researcher

International PhD in Communication from the University of Navarra and a lecturer accredited by ANECA. Professor of communication and fashion trends at Nebrija University and ESIC Marketing and Business School. Has worked at the Beijing campus of the American University NYIT, the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, and at Villanueva University. She has published research related to fashion brands at the point of sale, as well as the sexualisation of children in the digital environment, especially regarding issues of empowerment and literacy, in magazines such as Comunicar, El Profesional de la Información, Revista Española de Sociología, Prisma Social, Adresearch, Doxa comunicación, and in prestigious publishing houses such as Nordicom, Pirámide and EUNSA. Research stays at Southern Illinois University with Dafna Lemish, founding editor of the Journal of Children and Media, and at Glasgow Caledonian University with Louise Mc Bride, leader of the Master’s Degree in International Fashion Marketing. She has been a fashion journalist at Aceprensa news agency and a consultant at Gómez-Acebo Comunicación. She has also participated in industry events such as the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week and the Museo del Traje. Her research has generated media visibility in Smoda-El País, El Periódico, and The Family Watch Foundation.

Concepción Maldonado González

Concepción Maldonado González

Associate Researcher

Professor of Spanish in the Faculty of Information Sciences at Complutense University of Madrid. From 1987 to 2009, she taught at CEU San Pablo University. Throughout all these years, she has taught postgraduate courses and has participated in conferences and scientific meetings, not only in Spain, but in several Spanish-speaking countries as well. She has been a member of several research groups and has directed several teaching innovation projects as well. Her research includes diverse studies on Spanish syntax, among which her writings on direct and indirect discourse stand out. However, her most well-known field of study is lexicography. From 1989 to 2018, she was the creator and head of the Lexicography Department for the international publishing group SM, with locations in Spain and America. In that position, she designed and directed the development of diverse dictionaries (some received awards in Europe), all of which were known for their innovative, didactic features. Among the more than one hundred projects she has directed, special mention should be made of the dictionary entitled Clave (with a prologue by Gabriel García Márquez), and Redes y  Práctico, both of which are combinatorial dictionaries of the contemporary Spanish language.

Margarita Núñez Canal

Margarita Núñez Canal

Associate Researcher

PhD in the Economics of Education, Certified Coach, Bachelor’s Degree of Law, and an LLM in Law and Economics (Rotterdam University). Director of Academic Quality at ESIC Business School and member of the Scientific Committee of the Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Knowledge (ACIEK). Her field of research focuses on entrepreneurial pedagogy and quality in education. She has more than 15 years of experience working with executive management programmes for companies as a trainer, executive coach, and consultant.

Marta Pellico Del Castillo

Marta Pellico Del Castillo

Associate Researcher

Executive Director of iCmedia, an organisation that legally represents the rights of audiences, especially minors, where she has held this post since 2014. She has promoted and formed part of multi-stakeholder work groups (channels, regulators, and civil society) for the improvement of self-regulation codes, design of the rating and labelling system, and application of the General Law on Audio-visual Communication. She is currently involved in the transposition of the new European Directive, as well as the promotion of the new self-regulation model, and advancement of the Audio-visual Trustmark in order to guarantee the correct age rating of audio-visual content. Member of the following entities: Advisory Board of Telemadrid; Joint Monitoring Committee of the Self-Regulation Code; TV Abierta Group; and an expert member of the Media Literacy Group of the European Commission. At iCmedia, she has led several European projects related to media literacy, specifically regarding the training of educators, young people, and adolescents in critical thinking, as well as providing them with the necessary skills to face a changing audio-visual scenario. Bachelor’s Degree in Law from Complutense University of Madrid. Executive Master’s Degree in Management of Communication Businesses from the University of Navarra.

Rafael Repiso Caballero

Rafael Repiso Caballero

Associate Researcher

Senior Lecturer at UNIR (International University of La Rioja). Diploma in Library Science, Bachelor’s Degree in Documentation, Master’s Degree in Scientific Evaluation, PhD in Documentation (2013), and a second PhD in Communication (2019). Member of the EC3 research group (University of Granada), and of the PROCOMM (UNIR) and Comunicar Groups as well. Member since the end of 2017 of the think tank known as Thinkepi. Founding member of Spin Off EC3metrics of the University of Granada. Author of more than forty scientific papers, of which more than half have appeared in periodicals indexed in the Journal Citation Reports: Web of Science.

Ruth Sanz Sabido

Ruth Sanz Sabido

Associate Researcher

Lecturer of Media and Social Inequality, and Director of the Centre for Research on Communities and Cultures at Canterbury Christ Church University (UK). She founded and currently presides over the MeCCSA Social Movements Network (2013-), and is on the Executive Committee of MeCCSA (2019-). FHEA accredited (AdvanceHE, 2014), PhD in Media Discourse (2013) from De Montfort University, with a Master’s in Communication (2008) and a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication (2007) from the same University. She also has a BA in Translation and Interpretation (2005) from the University of Granada. Author of The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in the British Press (2019), and Memories of the Spanish Civil War: Conflict and Community in Rural Spain (2016). Editor of Representing Communities: Discourse and Contexts (2017), as well as co-editor of Sites of Protest (2016) and Contemporary Protest and the Legacy of Dissent (2015). She has also published several chapters and articles in scholarly journals, and has co-edited the collection, ‘”Protest, Media and Culture” (Rowman & Littlefield). Her research focuses on media discourse, historical memory, wars/conflicts, violence against women, and social movements.

Isabel Serrano Maillo

Isabel Serrano Maillo

Associate Researcher

Professor of Constitutional Law and Information Law since 2001. Bachelor’s Degree in Law from Complutense University of Madrid (1996). BA in Journalism from Carlos III University of Madrid (1998), and another BA in Criminology from the University of Alicante (2010). PhD in journalism from Complutense University of Madrid (2001) Author of several books and articles in specialised journals on fundamental rights, especially those related to freedom of expression and information and their consequent conflicts with the right to honour, privacy, and self-image, in addition to the rights of minors, and transparency with regard to political parties. Researcher of three six-year terms recognised by CNEAI. Principal Investigator of several R+D+i projects carried out with public and private funding, dedicated to issues of transparency, educational innovation, and the study of fundamental rights, with special focus on the right to equality. In the field of management, she has served as a reviewer of several Communication journals, such as Derecom, Revista española de transparencia, Revista El profesional de la información, Boletín mexicano de derecho comparado, etc. She is also the academic secretary of the Constitutional Law section of  Complutense University of Madrid.

Teresa Torrecillas Lacave

Teresa Torrecillas Lacave

Associate Researcher

Associate Professor in the Department of Journalism at CEU San Pablo University, accredited by ANECA, with two six-year research terms. She received her PhD with a thesis on Media Literacy. Professor of Production in Digital Environments, Director of the Department of Journalism, member of the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme in Social Communication, CEINDO, and a member of the Editorial Board of the social science journal Doxa Comunicación. She has served as principal investigator in leading the project entitled, “La familia frente al desafío de educar a los hijos en el innovador contexto multipantallas”, funded by an internal call from CEU San Pablo University, and another Project, “Auctoritas doméstica, capacitación digital y comunidad intergeneracional de aprendizaje en familias con menores escolarizados” funded by the National Plan, in the 2013 call for Retos de la Sociedad (CSO 2013-42166-R). Member of the competitive research group DOXACOM, and an active member of the PROVULDIG2–CM  programme (Ref. H2019/HUM5775, 2020-2022), “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society”, funded by the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the European Social Fund, and of the project “From television audiences to social networks: media convergence in the digital society (CONVERED)”, funded by the National Plan (CSO2016-74980-C2-1-R 2017-2021).

Victoria Tur Viñes

Victoria Tur Viñes

Associate Researcher

Professor of the Department of Communication and Social Psychology at the University of Alicante. Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology. PhD in Sociology. Former Senior Advertising Producer at Publiespaña. Lecturer in the Advertising and Public Relations Degree (creative advertising area). Department Director (2009-2013). Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Communication and Creative Industries (2010-20). Accredited Chair (2020). Six-year terms: 2. Publications (+ 80): 7 books (Comunicación publicitaria de juguetes en televisión, 2004; Marketing Infantil, 2008); 25 Chapters and 40 indexed scientific articles, of which 20 have appeared in Q1/Q2 JCR/Scopus (Frontiers in Psychology, 2020; Heliyon, 2020; Gaceta Sanitaria, 2020; Social Science, 2020; Frontiers in Psychology (2020);  Communications, 2020; EPI, 2020; Social Science, 2019; RLCS, 2019; HyCS, 2019; RLCS, 2018; Publications, 2018; C&S, 2018; RLCS, 2017; IJOC, 2016; REDC, 2014; RLCS, 2014; HyCS, 2013; Communicar, 2012; EPI, 2012), and 3 in Q3/Q4 JCR/Scopus (Clinical Obesity, 2020; Ibersid, 2016; and, 2014). H-index (GS):16 (2020). IP Communication and Specific Audiences Group (2003-). Member of AE+IC, Vice President of Kids&Com. Founder of Plataforma Latina de Revistas de Comunicación. Member ECREA. Editor of Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación. Honorary Member of RELAIP. XIV Hermes Award (2017) for a career in teaching and research in defence of responsible communication. Stays: Université du Quebec a Chicoutimi (Canada) and Glasgow Caledonian University (UK). Evaluator: ANEP; AGAUR; A. andaluza de I+D+i; Horizon 2020; ANECA Academia and Acredita. Victoria%20Tur%2DVi%C3%B1es %20currently%20works,and%20%22Transmedia%20Turn%22‘.

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